Hilton Parish Council is here to serve our community. As an organisation we form part of your local government and must adhere to local government policies. Councillors are drawn from the parish and offer their time, unpaid, as elected representatives.
We have many functions but overall our prime objective is to manage, improve and preserve our village for the good of all.
Hilton is a unique community and a very desirable place to live, however we are facing many pressures. Your Parish Council is well placed to represent our community and work with Huntingdonshire District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council and National Government plus other authorities such as the Police, Highways England and transport groups to achieve the best for our community.
Hilton Parish Council meets on the first Monday of the month, ten months a year, missing August and either January or February. The meetings are in public and usually start at 7:30pm at The Village Hall. There is always an opportunity for parishioners to speak about agenda items at these meetings.
The council has many functions, activities include:
Representing the village at local government level.
Reviewing planning applications, material to the fabric of our village and reporting back to Huntingdon District Council.
Managing and maintaining the village assets such as the Pavilion, the Play Park, and the 27 acres of common land.
Supporting firework night financially and Feast Week where possible.
The Role of the Parish Council
Town and Parish Councils are set up under the Local Government Act 1972 and are an essential part of the structure of local democracy. Parish Councillors are elected to this voluntary role every four years, after which the Parish Council has the power to co-opt any person or persons, meeting the statutory requirements, to fill the vacancies.
Parish Councils are the tier of local government closest to their electorate and best placed to serve local communities. They are local authorities created by statute and can only act where there is an express power or duty.
Local Councils remain outside the jurisdiction of the Local Government Ombudsman.
In law a local Council is a single corporate body and decisions taken are the responsibility of the Council as a whole. A Council is responsible for the services it provides, it establishes policies and decides how money will be raised and spent for the whole community. As a corporate body, the Council can work in partnership with other organisations in its area.
A Council will always attempt to make balanced, informed decisions, where it has statutory powers and duties to act, based on the differing needs of the whole community.
Town and Parish Councils have a range of responsibilities including:
- representing the local community interests, for example, by commenting on planning applications
- supporting local organisations and activities, for example with grants
- providing amenities, such as allotments, burial grounds, bus shelters and public seats
- control of litter, recreational grounds and playing fields and children’s play areas looking after green spaces, common land and footpaths
Parish Councils have the power to raise money through taxation ( the precept ). The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the Council Tax, which is collected by the District Council on their behalf. This gives them a degree of autonomy and continuity which may not be available to other community organisations.
A Parish Council must hold at least 4 meetings a year, one of which must be the Annual Meeting of the Council. Town and Parish Councils are an essential part of the structure of local democracy and have a vital role in acting on behalf of the communities they represent.
In summary they:
- Give views on behalf of the community, on planning applications and proposals that affect the Parish.
- Alert relevant authorities to problems that arise or work that needs to be undertaken.
- Help the other tiers of local government keep in touch with their local communities.