Entries by Clerk

Weekly Policing Update

Very happily, there are no offences or incidents affecting your community to mention in our Summary this week, covering the period 6th to 12th January.

Would you like to become a Parish Councillor?

The Parish Council is the first tier of Local Government representing the local community, delivering services to meet local needs wherever possible, and improving quality of life and community well being. The Parish Council currently has a Councillor vacancy for co-option. Why should you become a Councillor? To make a difference for the future To […]

Weekly Policing Update

Very happily, there are no items to mention in our summary of offences and incidents affecting your community this week, reported to police during the period 28th December – 5th January.


The Spectrum editorial team have decided to temporarily suspend publication of Spectrum starting with the February 2021 edition. Sadly, because of the current Covid-19 situation, there is very little of note taking place in the villages to report. There will be an ongoing monthly review and publication will resume as soon as possible. A copy […]

National Lockdown

As you are aware, we are now in a national lockdown and we must all stay at home unless we have a “reasonable excuse”. A copy of the government guidance can be found at gov.uk/coronavirus or downloaded here: National Lockdown Guidance. The Hilton Coronavirus volunteer support, co-ordinated by the Parish Council, is available to organise […]


Thank you to everyone who helped with the recent flooding in the village. Many people helped to keep the exit grilles clear on the culverts and clear the rubbish from the ditches, which stopped the flooding from being any worse and helped the water drain away. Also thanks to those who helped in other ways […]

Weekly Policing Update

Here is our weekly summary of offences and incidents affecting your community, reported to police during the period 20th to 27th December: A1307 Galley Hill Roundabout – Three cars were left abandoned in flood water on the slip road at the Galley Hill Roundabout on Wednesday evening, 23rd December. Police and the Highways Department closed […]


Whilst the flooding has gone down across the village, the water level in many of the ditches remains high. The river levels are high but slowly falling in the St Ives and Houghton lock gauges and high and rising at the Tempsford (Roxton) and Bedford river gauges. A second peak of floodwater is moving down […]


Please be careful in the village tonight. The ford is now impassable. Graveley Way and Fenstanton Road are also flooded. Huntingdonshire District Council are managing the flooding incidents across the district and are currently unable to assist with individual requests. For assistance and advice please call Floodline on 0345 988 1188. If you are in […]

Weekly Policing Report

Very happily, there are no items to mention in our summary of offences and incidents affecting your community this week, reported to police during the period 13th to 19th December.