Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 22nd March at 7:30pm via Zoom
If you run a village group and would like to present a report to the Meeting please contact Nicola Webster, Clerk to Hilton Parish Council— or 830605.
What is the Annual Parish Meeting?
Strictly this is the Annual Meeting of the Parish. It is also known as the Annual Parish Meeting and as the Annual Parish Assembly, they are all the same thing. The Annual Parish Meeting is the meeting where the parish council report to its electorate on what it has accomplished in the preceding year. Electors, public and press are invited to hear reports from the Chairman, District & County Councillors, community groups and any organisation that the town or parish council has funded during the year. The Annual Parish Meeting is a separate meeting from the Parish Council Annual Meeting. The Annual Parish Meeting should be a relatively informal event for the community whereas the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is a formal council meeting.