Help Shape the District Council’s Climate Strategy

Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) is calling on residents to take part in dedicated ‘Climate Conversation’ focus groups that will help shape the District Council’s Climate Strategy.


The focus groups, which take place online from Monday  3 October, will build on the results of the Climate Conversation survey  completed  by local residents  and businesses  at the start of the year.


We will be exploring two key topics the relationship between climate change and where we live for example how can we prepare the places where we live and work for the impact of climate change? As well as the impact of how we live exploring themes including how we reduce how much energy we use, how can we reduce  the impact  of how  we get  around, and how we can reuse and recycle. The focus groups will be an open discussion about what support  local people need to make changes and tackle climate change. The sessions  will also cover what changes residents would like to see from the District Council.


The findings of these focus groups will also help support Huntingdonshire Futures – a new strategy that will shape a vision for the future of the district by incorporating  People, Place, the Economy and Environment.


Focus groups will take place on:



Monday 3 October at 7pm Where we live: How can we prepare the places where we live and work for the impact of climate change?
Tuesday 4 October at 7pm Where we live: How can our  natural environment, our green and blue spaces, help us tackle climate change?
Wednesday 5 October at 7pm How we  live:  How  can  we  reduce  how  much  energy we use? How can we reuse and recycle to reduce the amount of waste we create?
Thursday 6 October at 7pm How we live: How can we reduce the impact  of how  we get around?   How can we work together  as a community to tackle climate change?

Anyone who would like to join a focus group session  should  visit  the Huntingdonshire Futures Eventbrite page and register. The session will last about an hour, and as a thank you for their time all participants will be entitled to claim a £10 shopping voucher.


Executive Councillor for Climate and Environment at Huntingdonshire District Council, Councillor Lara Davenport-Ray, said: “We all want to live in an environment  that is green and clean, so we are urging our residents to  get involved in these focus groups  and have their say to help us shape the Climate Strategy for Huntingdonshire.


“By developing this new strategy, we are laying the foundations for a stronger future for everyone across the district. It’s really important that we develop the Climate Strategy as a shared endeavour through ongoing and meaningful engagement with the community.”


If you don’t have access to the internet or would prefer to engage in a different way please contact Israel from the project team on 07498449747 You can find out more about the Huntingdonshire District  Council’s  approach  to tackling climate change and moving towards a net zero Huntingdonshire by 2040 here.


To find out more, visit the Climate Conversation page of HDC’s website.