Entrance to Hilton geograph.org .uk 3306591 cropped

Local Highway Improvement Initiative for Hilton

Local Highway Improvement Initiatives (LHIs) are proposals which are put forward to make improvements to the roads in local areas. Hilton Parish Council can identify an area of concern and the County Council will contribute up to £15,000, with the Parish Council also contributing at least 10% of the cost of the scheme from the precept.

In 2021-22, we bid for the 24hr 7.5t weight limit for the B1040. The total cost will be £10,600, of which the Parish Council contributed £9,000 to ensure the scheme’s success. It has successfully passed through all the approvals; the signs have now been commissioned and installation scheduled for w/c 4th July 2022.

In 2022-23, we bid for a speed reduction from 40mph to 30mph across The Green. This was approved in April 2022, and will cost £4,454, with the Parish Council contributing £757. The scheme will now go out for consultation, feasibility studies etc and if all goes well it may be in place by the end of 2023.

There are a range of successful schemes which you can view on www.hiltonparishcouncil.com/notice-board/highways-information/lhi-bid and they include buffer zones, speed reductions, road painting, speed humps and cushions, chicanes, signs and gates. There is also a document detailing the possible highway improvements and their costs.

In addition to this, hopefully at their Highways meeting in July, Cambridgeshire County Council may discuss a different scheme to enable parishes to bid for a 20mph limit or zone in their area, and there will be details outlining how applications for 20mph schemes will be prioritised after that.

The Potton Road may be re-surfaced by the A14 team, and road markings there will be re-painted as part of the A14 completion works. The Clerk is following up on this. The previous proposal of a Non-Motorised User path (NMU) from Hilton to Fenstanton is under consideration by the County Council.

Hilton Parish Council would like to know which local road safety issues you would like to see addressed through the next LHI bid.

LHI survey 2022 to HPC

Please reply by 24th July indicating where you would like to see a change by email to the Clerk ().

Please return paper copies to 10 Church End or the box in the village shop.

Every member of a household can respond separately.

Once your replies have been analysed, the Parish Council can seek professional advice on solutions and report back.