Local Highways Improvement Outcome 2021/22

Hilton Parish Council is very happy to report that their Local Highway Improvement Scheme bid for an application for a traffic regulation order to prohibit HGVs on the B1040 through the village 24 hours per day has been approved by the Cambridgeshire County Council Highways and Transport Committee at their meeting on Tuesday 22nd June. This application is now in preliminary design and has to go through several stages:

Consultation – Following the completion of the design, consultation must be undertaken. This will require obtaining the views of the appropriate county councillor and district / parish councils (where appropriate), the police and the emergency services. The proposal may be amended following consultation.

Advertisement – This includes the publishing of at least one notice in the local press. The County Council will usually display notices in any roads that are affected and, if it is deemed appropriate, may deliver notices to premises likely to be affected. For at least 21 days from the start of the statutory notice period, the proposal can be viewed at the appropriate district, city or county council office during normal office hours. The notices invite the public to comment on the proposals which must be made in writing to the address specified in the notice during this period. Substantial objections and contentious issues are reported to county councillors.

Making the Order – Once approved, the Traffic Regulation Order can be formally sealed and an operational date published. Should substantial changes to the TRO be required following consultation, this may necessitate a new advertisement process. This procedure can take some time to complete and the advertising and legal fees may be substantial. Once made, it remains in force until superseded or revoked.

Hilton Parish Council will keep you updated regarding the progress of this application.