Cllr Kieron Dunk has been working hard on the village sign. It has been taken apart and restored and now has been reassembled ready for painting. The Parish Council has purchased the materials necessary to finish the restoration and we hope to have the sign back in its rightful place by the end of the year.

Cllr K. Dunk working on the village sign

Cllr K Dunk working on the village sign

The village sign split into sections

Sections of the village sign being restored

The back of the village sign

Photo of the back of the sections of the village sign

The back of the sections of the village sign

Photo of the back of the sections of the village sign

Sections of the village sign being put back together

The village sign in pieces

The bottom of the village sign being restored

The bottom section of the village sign being restored

The middle sections of the sign being restored

The middle two sections of the village sign being restored

The bottom section of the sign ready to repaint

The bottom section of the village sign

The sign ready to be reassembled

The village sign ready to be reeassembled

The sign being reassembled

The village sign being reassembled

The materials ready to finish the sign

The materials bought for the village sign

Reassembled and ready to paint

The reassembled village sign ready to be painted