Weekly Policing Update

Here is our weekly summary of offences and incidents affecting your community, reported to police during the period 31st October to 7th November:

Covid Regulations – Police have responded to reports of possible Covid Regulation breaches across Huntingdonshire in the last week. Incidents include large gatherings of people in confined spaces and potential failures to maintain isolation and quarantine. (Refs CC-05112020-0313, CC-06112020-0508)

Hilton – A silver four-by-four vehicle covered in mud was spotted on a remote farm track near Hilton on Saturday morning, 7th November, suspected to be involved in hare coursing. A police patrol responded and Countryside Watch were also notified, but no trace of it could be found when the area was searched. (Ref CC-07112020-0143)

And Finally – New Covid-19 Lockdown Regulations:

The whole of England entered the new Lockdown from Thursday 5th November. We are all asked to stay at home, avoid meeting people and only go out for essential purposes.

Full details of what we can and can’t do are on the Government web-site at:
