Cambridgeshire County Council Local Highways Improvement Fund Bid
This initiative invites any groups or organisations that represent the local community to submit a proposal for funding from the Local Highways Improvement (LHI) initiative. This fund offers residents the chance to bring forward their own highway improvements within their community.
Schemes are delivered by the County Council on a jointly funded basis and applicants are able to apply for funding of up to £15,000 as a contribution to their scheme. The applicant is expected to provide a minimum contribution of 10% of the total scheme cost.
Previous panel scorecards can be viewed here:
Revised Huntingdonshire LHI Panel Scorecard 2021 results
Huntingdonshire LHI score card 2022 23
Some LHI Case Studies can be found here:
Potential options for highway improvements can be found here:
Highway Improvement Possibilities
2023/24 LHI Bid
Hilton Parish Council has reviewed the responses to their recent consultation and you can view the summary below:
The Parish Council has resolved that they will submit a two-part LHI bid for improved signage regarding the 7.5t weight limit on the A1198 approaching from Papworth Everard and for a raised Zebra crossing on Potton Road.
2022/23 LHI Bid
Hilton Parish Council submitted a bid to reduce the speed limit across the Green from 40mph to 30mph between the junction with Grove End and the village boundary. This scheme was successful and the next step is feasibility study and consultation. If successful in this process, this scheme could be implemented by the end of 2023.
2021/22 LHI Bid
Hilton Parish Council submitted a bid for a 24hr 7.5t weight limit on the B1040. This scheme was successful and then went out to consultation. There was only one objection to the consultation (which was later withdrawn) with 121 written representations in favour of the scheme. The scheme was approved by delegated decision on 14th February 2022. The signage has now been installed and the weight limit is in effect.
2020/21 LHI Bid
Hilton Parish Council submitted a bid for the 2020/21 funding to apply for a feasibility study to investigate the removal of the B1040 from the Galley Hill roundabout to the Papworth Roundabout through Hilton from the Cambridgeshire County Council’s Advisory Freight Map as a local route. This scheme was successful but the County Council later advised that they were conducting an internal review of the Advisory Freight Map and so this feasibility study was put on hold.
20’s Plenty for Us Campaign
20’s Plenty for Us is ‘not for profit’ with 500 local groups campaigning to make cities, towns and villages around the world better places to be.
“We campaign for a speed limit of 20mph to be normal on residential streets and in town and village centres, unless full consideration of the needs of vulnerable road users allows a higher limit on particular streets.
We believe that communities can decide that “20’s Plenty Where People Live”.
- Most of the UK’s larger cities have adopted 20mph for their residential streets
- Wales is about to implement a 20mph national default for residential roads.
- The General Assembly of the United Nations endorses 20mph or 30km/h speed limits where people mix with motor vehicles, unless strong evidence exists that higher speeds are safe.”
Hilton Parish Council has resolved to support 20’s Plenty for Cambridgeshire’s aim for wide-area, default signed 20mph limits with public engagement for this Parish and across Cambridgeshire’s urban and village settlements.
Hilton Parish Council has purchased wheelie bin stickers to advertise this campaign – if you would like one please contact the Clerk at or 830605.
Further information can be found on their website –