Playground Press Release
New Hilton Village Play Park now open following official launch
Hilton children are celebrating following the opening of a new village Play Park.
The Hilton Play Park is officially up and running following a launch party at the facility in Grove End on Sunday 15th December.
New play equipment including swings, slides and climbing structures are included at the new facility which was funded by a £52,901 grant from FCC Communities Foundation.
Graham Barradell, Chair of Hilton Parish Council is delighted that the project is now in use.
He says: “This vital facility is going to make a real difference to those who use it, as well as the wider Hilton community. We are extremely grateful to FCC Communities Foundation for providing funding as we would not have been able to go ahead without its support.”
FCC Communities Foundation is a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community, conservation and heritage projects from funds donated by FCC Environment through the Landfill Communities Fund.
Richard Smith, FCC Community Foundation’s senior grant manager, says: “It’s wonderful to see something we have funded finally open and ready to make such a difference to children and families across Hilton. FCC Communities Foundation is always happy to consider grant applications for projects that benefit local communities and this is a great example of what can be achieved.”
For further press information please contact (Nicola Webster, Clerk to Hilton Parish Council).