Notice of Vacancy in office of Parish Councillor on the Hilton Parish Council

Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that due to the resignation of Councillor Nina Sage there is a vacancy on the Hilton Parish Council.

If, within 14 statutory days after the date of this notice, a request for an election to fill the vacancy is made in writing to the Proper Officer, Huntingdonshire District Council, Pathfinder House, Huntingdon PE29 3TN by ten electors of the Parish an election will be held.  If no such notice is given the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

If any member of the Parish would like to be considered for co-option, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Hilton Parish Council is recruiting for a Maintenance Person

Duties include:

Inspection and mowing of the playground

Litter Picking

Maintenance of the benches and the grass around them

Maintenance of the bridges and the vegetation around them

Ensuring that the exit grids on the ponds remain clear

Maintenance of other Council property

A full job description can be found here: Maintenance Person Job Description 2023 – Approved

If you would like to apply for this position please email a copy of your CV with a covering letter to the Clerk:

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Join us at Hilton Village hall in June for an Educational Cooking Workshop run by the lovely Melanie from Love Nutrition Cambridge!

📅 Saturday 24th June 2023
⏰ 10:30am – 12:30pm
📍 Hilton Village Hall

Contact to book your FREE place!

All Welcome! A plant-based diet is affordable, especially with the rise in cost in animal-based food products.

County Broadband Telegraph Poles

Hilton Parish Council has reviewed the plans for the installation of County Broadband’s hyperfast network in Hilton. Most of the installation will use existing underground infrastructure, though there are a few necessary telegraph poles to be installed in the village.

Church End:

Church End

Between the Church and the Ford:


Near The Paddocks:

The Paddocks

Along the B1040:


If you would like to query any of the proposed telegraph poles, please contact Natasha Biquette at County Broadband:

Big Help Out Litter Pick

On Monday 8th May, Hilton Parish Council is participating in the Big Help Out for the Coronation by organising a litter pick. Litter pickers and bags will be provided but we also recommend bring your own gloves and hi-vis clothing if possible.

Please meet at the Village Hall at 10:30am and we will assign you an area. Families are welcome and we will try to allocate you areas away from the main roads. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Village Hall.

If you would like any further information please contact Claire Sarkies on 830412 or the Clerk –

Local Plan Issues Papers consultation

HDC’s Issues Paper consultation is live!

How do you think Huntingdonshire should grow and change over the next 30 years? How should we respond to climate change locally? You could help to shape the next Local Plan by letting HDC know what you think the priorities should be and what the issues are locally.

From responding to the climate crisis and enhancing the natural environment to meeting housing needs for all and promoting a prosperous economy, HDC wants to know what you think the priorities are, what the issues are locally and what your concerns might be as the council develops its new Local Plan.

Have your say by 5 July at:

Could you represent the Parish Council on the Town Trust?


The village of Hilton benefits from land and assets endowed over the centuries. The most recent definition of the charities was confirmed by a Deed dated 1899. We operate two Charities. The land and assets are held by the Estate Charity, the senior charity of the two.

The 1899 deed requires that half of the annual income of the Estate Charity goes to the Parish Church to be used for repairs to the building; the other half is paid to the second charity, the Town Charity to be spent for the general benefit of the village.

Both the Estate and Town Charities are administered by the Trustees and are chaired by the Revd David Busk.

The Parish Council appoints two trustees and the Church Wardens are usually the other two trustees. The Parish Council appointed trustees each serve for a 4 year term, with the appointments being offset by two years to ensure continuity.

While the Trustees have no specific mandate, a mix of grants are made under the general terms of the Deed including capital grants, educational grants, grants to charities or organisations directly serving the needs of Hilton.

Role of Parish Council Appointed Trustee

– To serve for a term of 4 years, from May 2023.

– To attend the Trustee meetings, routinely twice per annum.

– To promptly liaise with the other Trustees & Clerk on any business arising between meetings. (In practise most grant awards are made between meetings, usually by email to reach a consensus.)

– To have a broad awareness of the community in Hilton & to encourage individuals and groups who may benefit from a grant award.

– To ensure fiscal responsibility is maintained for the long term continuation of the charities.

For any further information about the role contact Rev David Busk on 436400 or Phil Wood (Clerk to the Town Trust) on 830866

If you are interested please contact Nicola Webster, Clerk to Hilton Parish Council— by the deadline of Saturday 6th May.

Would you like to become a Parish Councillor?

The Parish Council is the first tier of Local Government representing the local community, delivering services to meet local needs wherever possible, and improving quality of life and community well-being.

The Parish Council currently has a Councillor vacancy for co-option.

Would you like to join the Parish Council and help make decisions about how the Parish is run?

You can read a guide on what Parish Councillors might be expected to do (although this is very broad and covers all Town and Parish Councils, so don’t be scared!) in the Good Councillors Guide.


There are a few criteria you must be able to comply with:

To qualify a person must be a British subject, over 18 years old and an elector; or must reside within Hilton or within 4.8km of it; or occupy as owner or tenant any land or premises therein; or have their principal or only place of work there, and must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor.

Criteria Essential Desirable
Able to attend regular evening meetings Y  
Interest in local issues and things which affect people Y  
Keen to improve the local environment and quality of life   Y
A willingness to represent the views of the whole community Y  
An interest in learning and developing your role in the community   Y

If you would like to join us, please email the Clerk a brief CV and explanation about why you would like to be a Councillor by Friday 31st March and your application will be considered at the April meeting.—

Tree Planting and Ivy Cutting

We have two events coming up shortly that we hope you will be able to help with; TREE PLANTING and IVY-CUTTING




Meet at the Village Hall 10.00. 


The Woodland Trust has kindly given Hilton 130 small trees between 30 and 40 cms high (12 – 15 inches).  These will be used to act as nurse trees and will be interplanted with the trees established in December 2021 in the corner of The Green near the gate to The Wilderness and in the copse established in the north-eastern corner of The Wilderness about 5 years ago.  If you are able to bring your own garden fork, or spade, or both, that would be very helpful.




We have established a successful annual routine of cutting some of the ivy that is threatening our trees in the village.  In discussion with you, our tree officer will ask you to cut (but not remove) the ivy in a small area of trees/bushes.  Anyone with secateurs, or loppers, or a pruning saw should be able to help.


If you are able to help with either or both of the above could you please contact our tree officer Ian Stott.



‘Phone 830660

Mobile  07850 743544


We are exceptionally grateful for your help.