Press release from Huntingdonshire District Council:
Three further Community Chest grants have been awarded to aid the set up and on-costs of Warm Spaces across Huntingdonshire, taking the total available to 46.
St Peter’s Church, Kings Ripton has been awarded £500 and will use the money to pay for heating costs and offer coffee mornings and hot food. The Warm Space will take place once week in the local village hall and will be ran by local volunteers, encouraging villagers to meet in the warm with other members of our community.
Hilton Village Hall has been awarded £500 and will use the money to provide films, games and hot drinks for participants in their Warm Space. They will provide a supportive space for residents to come to be warm and socialise with local members of their community.
Pidley Village Hall has been awarded £500 and will be using the money to help with heating costs and to provide tea, coffee and soup for anyone within the community. This warm space will benefit Pidley and Fenton villagers as well as residents of the surrounding village who may feel like they would like some company or a safe place to keep warm.
Chuchwarden for Kings Ripton Church, Bronwen Rayner, said: “The HDC funding is allowing our church to supply a warm space in the village hall with lunches and refreshments that will benefit the entire local community by providing fun, friendship and fellowship on a weekly basis.
“The funding will cover costs of food and heating bills to provide a focal point for villagers to congregate and hopefully promote a social hub that will continue to improve community life in the future.”
Hilton Village Hall Committee Member, Heather Chambers, said: “This grant has enabled us to offer the community various activities which they can enjoy in the warm, be together and will continue to build on the community spirit which Hilton enjoys.
“We will be running a weekly coffee afternoon on Fridays where people can bring games, chat and keep warm, starting on Friday 20th January from 3-6pm.
“We are also running monthly film showings starting with ‘Lightyear’ on Saturday 28th January at 5:30pm. Two further dates are 18th February and 18th March.”
Chairman of Pidley Village Hall, Sarah Chukoloca, said: “The funding really helps us to heat the building and provide basic provisions for anyone who wishes to use them. We want to use our community centre to reach out to people in times of need. We are a small community but we have some very dedicated volunteers that run and look after this valuble village space.
“The funding enables us to provide a warm place for residents of the village and surrounding villages, to come and have some company and a safe place to retreat in times of need. We have free wifi available and some tea/coffee facilities if required.
“The village hall and community centre were bought/built by the community, for the community and I hope we can provide this space for years to come even during these times of great uncertainty for so many.”
Executive Councillor for Community and Health, Cllr Ben Pitt, said: “As a local authority, it is always a priority to support our communities in times of need.
The overwhelming support towards the Warm Spaces project is on-going, and I am thrilled we are able to continue supporting them with Community Chest Grant funding.
Residents are continuing to make difficult choices through the colder months, and the Warm Spaces are offering valuable support for our communities.”
Find out more information on the Warm Spaces in Huntingdonshire.