Works to the Ware, Graveley Way

Hilton Parish Council has been awarded a grant from the A14 Legacy Fund to improve the bank of the Ware in Graveley Way. The bank of the Ware along Graveley Way has eroded over the years and has previously exposed underground electrical cabling. If this erosion is allowed to continue there is a danger that the road will be compromised.

The scope of these works has now been agreed with the Parish Council, Highways England and the Highways Department of Cambridgeshire County Council. The plan is to install galvanised steel posts in the pond with a pile driver, 1.8m apart from each other and 1.2m away from the tarmac. This will run from the Tithe Close end of the pond all the way to the footpath at the Potton Road junction. Concrete gravel boards will then be inserted between these posts with a timber capping board running the entire length of the wall. The area between the tarmac and the gravel board wall will be backfilled with soil to match the existing verge height and then seeded upon completion.

These works will be carried out in short sections under stop/go boards traffic management. The materials have been ordered, and the start date is 1st February 2022.